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BRIDGE'S NEW fashion rain coat 2014




· Features and Benefits

ØEasy to adjust and wear.
ØExcellent ventilation.
ØThe whole weaving system follows jacquard style, therefore, it is more durable and refined than ink style.
ØExcellent water proof and quick dry cooling as jacquard
ØUsing functional yarn material and special coating technology this is a lighter raincoat with excellent moisture permeability.

· Purposes

Ø This is a fashion- integrated item usable by all ages and gender. For bicycle, fishing, hiking, and agricultural use.

· Marketability and business value

ØThe product can bring young people refinement a different original raincoat, also it is excellent fashion elements, it will be easy to follow the trend because of a variety of patterns and colors
ØThe product is effective in shower and a rainy season in Korea, and it is lighter than an umbrella, easier to handle and portable.
ØThe product is high probability of export not only Southeast Asia, but also worldwide.
ØThe product is made of jacquard pattern with various color.



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이름 : 비밀번호 : 스팸방지코드 :

Company : 585-8 guamdong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea |  Tel. +82-70-8282-7248  |  FAX. +82-70-8282-7249 

E-mail : webmaster@bridges.co.kr

Institute : Hanbat University 16-1 deokmyeongdong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea

President : rae deu, Lee  |  Administrator : jong hun, Lee  |  business license : 314-21-96128